Control Panels & SCADA
SCADA is the primary method for gathering real-time data. SCADA is an acronym that stands for “Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition.” PRM SCADA systems allow for remote monitoring and control of equipment from a central remote site. Typical equipment monitored are air compressors, flares, blowers, pumps, levels, lift stations, and overall gas system performance. More and more landfills and remediation systems, both operational and closed sites, are installing SCADA systems to help manage their leachate, LFG or remediation needs. PRM has over 10 years of implementing SCADA systems for Landfills and our team can simplify the process ensuring you get the information you need.

- Real-time monitoring of your system’s operation with unlimited parameters–pressure, runtime, flow, alarms, and liquid levels.
- Access with the ability to change system settings from remote locations via a password protected internet connection.
- Stand-alone interface for full system control.
- Modular expansion capabilities using standardized Industrial Format.
- All HOA and status indication on a single access point.
- Wireless or land-based internet connectivity.
- Historical data is stored and easily accessed providing critical runtime information for developing a preventative maintenance plan.
- In-house programmers provide prompt responses and can customize your information.
- Troubleshoot system issues live with technical experts.
- Reduced man-hours with improved system operations.
System Upgrades
PRM specializes in upgrading existing system platforms. We can incorporate a new SCADA system and interface it with your current platform to increase site efficiency and operations.

More Info
PRM SCADA Systems integrate easily with all of our manufactured systems including flares, blower skids, control panels, ESS, and EVS electric pump systems. PRM can upgrade your existing site equipment with our SCADA system to improve efficiency.
PRM SCADA systems are password protected and simple to use, letting you control your systems without site visits, saving valuable time. Events are logged to monitor the efficiency of your system providing you with a history of the system performance. PRM Pass allows you to manage multiple sites from one central login.
PRM uses several industrial platforms for simple and flexible electronic data acquisition and storage. The systems typically collect data from electronic input signals 4-20mA, 0-5volt, 110volt or existing PLCs. Data is securely stored and uploaded to the data center via a cellular network or satellite connections.
Specified people on your management team can receive updates simply by opening email or via mobile devices. Our web based systems can accommodate multiple users, multiple sites, operators, service groups, and consulting engineers to efficiently share data and important information. We provide a secure database infrastructure to support using a remote data center. Options are available if you wish to store your own data for maximum security.