Oxidizers - Electric Catalytic
PRM offers FALCO Electric Catalytic Oxidizers for destruction of VOCs from off-gas equipment. The CatOx-E electric unit offers destruction efficiencies up to 99.99% using the latest monolithic, low-temperature, catalyst modules. All FALCO Catalytic Oxidizers are manufactured of T304 Stainless Steel. The entire inner shell, heat exchanger and ducting are manufactured from T304 SS. Six inches of insulating refractory material keeps heat inside and the outer shell cool to the touch. For more information on FALCO Electric Catalytic Oxidizers, visit our dedicated site, falmouthproducts.com

Packaged FALCO Systems:
- FALCO 100/300/600 Catalytic Oxidizer
- FALCO Vapor Control Valve (VCV)
- Heat Exchanger – 304 Stainless Steel Spiral Plate
- Heater – Solid STate Switching (SCR Power Control) with High Limit
- Available with Blower Package for an Integrated SVE Treatment System
- All Electric
- 10 Minute Preheat Time
- 70% Preheat Efficient Heat Exchanger
- No Hassles With Gas Supplies (natural or propane)
- Automatic Restart On Power Failure
- LEL Sensors and Strip Chart Recorders Available
- Ability To Replace or Add Catalyst Modules in Less Than 30 Minutes
- Fewer Liabilities Than Gas Fired Units Versus Flameless
- Optional Web-Based Monitoring To Read and Log Temperatures and Air-Flow. Much More Reliable Than Chart Recorders

The FALCO 100, 300, and 600 electric catalytic oxidizers treat air streams contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The catalyst provides VOC destruction efficiencies up to 99.5%. Operation, including startup, is fully automatic. Control system accurately regulates input loading and temperatures. The controls adjust a FALCO Vapor Control Valve (VCV) to maintain safe maximum input concentrations. Automatic shutdown results if temperatures exceed limits.
A spiral plate heat exchanger provides efficient heat recovery and a bypass valve allows for adjustment of heat recovery. Low heat recovery enables operation at high vapor concentration. High heat recovery minimizes energy use during operation at low input vapor concentration. At 780 ppmv (Gasoline) and 300 scfm, sufficient heat is recovered to preheat the inflow without supplementary electric energy.
All FALCO models have a massive catalyst volume for its rated capacity, providing longer life and poison resistance than monolith type catalysts. If necessary, the catalyst can be replaced on site in one hour.
FALCO Catalytic Oxidizers are easily integrated with a wide variety of remediation equipment.